When the summer gets hot nothing is quite as refreshing as a frozen treat. If you’re looking to whip up some homemade treats to help your pup stay cool (one of the suggestions in our post on How to Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer ) here are a few recipes that your pup can enjoy!
Dog Ice Cream
Dog Ice Cream is easy to make and there are endless options/combinations! While some of these can be combined by hand we recommend blending until smooth. Once your ingredients are thoroughly mixed fill ice cube trays or small containers for single serve portions or add the entire batch into a freezer safe and scoop as desired. Here are a few of our favorites:
- Nutter Butter – Peanut butter (1/2 cup), bananas (2 ripe) and plain low fat yogurt (32 oz)
- My Oh My Pumpkin Pie – Peanut butter (1/2 cup), canned pumpkin (1 can – NOT canned pumpkin pie filling) and plain low fat yogurt (32 oz)
- I’m Blue for You – Blueberries (1/2 cup) and bananas (2 ripe)
- The Carnivore – Chicken (or your pups favorite meat) cooked, diced in to cubes and frozen (1/4 cup) and bananas (2 ripe)
Above are a few of our favorite easy ones but the possibilities are endless! A quick search around the web and you’ll find plenty other recipes including some complex 10 ingredient ones.

For a little twist on your ice cream try turning it in to a pupsicle! Pour the ice cream in to a popsicle tray and add a long treat as a handle! Your dog not so in to ice cream? We’ve got a few alternative recipes below. Same concept as the ice cream – blend it all together, pour it in to a popsicle tray and add a long treat as a handle.
- Berry Good Summer: Blueberries, strawberries, orange juice and plain low fat yogurt
- The Beefcake: Carrots, sweet potatoes and homemade beef broth (store bought is often too high in sodium)
- Winner Winner Chicken Dinner: Pumpkin, apples, your pups favorite treats and homemade chicken broth (store bought is often too high in sodium)
We hope you and your pup enjoy these recipes and remember these are supposed to be a treat for your dog! If you give your pup too much yogurt (or too much of anything) it may cause an upset stomach so moderation is key.
Thank you @odd.dogsquad for allowing us to use your adorable photo!
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